PW 144MHz QRP Contest Results 1983 to 1990

Hi, my name is Steve and my callsign is G1YBB. I have compiled a list of the PW 144MHz QRP Contest Results from 1983 to 1990 as (at the time) these did not appear on the PW site.

As a keen fan of the PW 144MHz QRP Contest I have taken it upon myself to enter all the historical results that pre-date those available on the official site, in order to pass that information over to Colin at PW.

So the below PDFs are the results as I have entered them into a spreadsheet from the best records I could find. Most of from old copies of the magazines, some are scans (like 1990 and one or two). What I am looking for is ANYONE who was active in these contests to take a look and let me know any cock ups and typos, also any extra info they might have.

You can see the content varies often. This is mostly due to the content published in the magazine being different often. Usually there is a list of all callsigns and points, and tables with top 10 this and top ten that etc.

Please contact me using my email which is my name in the 1st line of this page @ my callsign in the 1st line of this page with .uk on the end. (not

PW 144MHz QRP Contest Results 1983
PW 144MHz QRP Contest Results 1984
PW 144MHz QRP Contest Results 1985
PW 144MHz QRP Contest Results 1986
PW 144MHz QRP Contest Results 1987
PW 144MHz QRP Contest Results 1988
PW 144MHz QRP Contest Results 1989
PW 144MHz QRP Contest Results 1990

For the official and more up to date list of PW 144MHz Contest results look here:

I have nothing at all to do with Practical Wireless magazine or its parent company/companies. I merely have a fond affinity with this contest (most likely due to the fact it was my first ever contest in 1990) and an OCD nature that requires the records to be complete. 73.